Annsofie Jonsson

I am a Berlin-based Swedish artist and a member of the art collective, Studio Baustelle in Neukölln, Berlin since 2018. My work revolves mainly around expressive semi-abstract paintings, using collage technics, and mixed media as tools for expression and I often take inspiration from the hypnagogic state of mind. I studied fine art before obtaining my Master's degree in Education, in the field of Culture, Media, and  Aesthetics at the University of Malmö, Sweden. I collaborate and perform together with sound artist Håkan Jonsson under the name Hugsten.

Selected works and exhibitions

Kulturnatta in Gothenburg Sweden

The Urban Animals exhibition at Studio 50 Urban Art in Gothenburg Sweden during Kulturnatta is a part of the ongoing collaboration with Artists from Tenerife, Berlin, and Sweden. The project keeps on growing and now we added four Swedish Artists, Wynja Dahlheim, Björn Hellström, Camilla Engman, and Pia König to join. There were also two performances at Oceanen during the Kulturnatta event by Hugsten and Pooja. 

Artists in the Exhibition

Alejandra Arbizu, Saioa Arellano, Monika Berstis, Wynja Dahlheim, Patricia Delgado, Camilla Engman, Björn Hellström, Annsofie Jonsson, Håkan Jonsson, Pia König, Ana Martín, Rubén Requejo, Christina Roos, Helena Roos, Marina Valls 

Artists in the Exhibition

Alejandra Arbizu 

Saioa Arellano 

Monika Berstis 

Patricia Delgado

Lisa Gratzke 

Annsofie Jonsson 

Håkan Jonsson

Ana Martín

Rubén Requejo

Christina Roos

Helena Roos

Kevin Ryan 

Felicia Scheuerecker

Marina Valls 

Janin Walter

48h Neukölln June 2024

In this exhibition, you will experience the interpretations of the theme of urban silence by a group of international artists based in Berlin, Göteborg, and Tenerife. Sounds were collected through field recordings, which were shared within the group. The field recordings of urban sounds were the starting point for their artistic research to create an understanding through silence without speaking the same language. The artistic collaboration extends over an entire year. It includes three blocks that build on each other. The first part consists of the individual sound collection and a presentation of the working sketches in Vilaflor/Tenerife. The second part culminates in the group exhibition of completed artworks for 48 Stunden Neukölln, at which all participating artists will be present. The third part is like an echo between two cities. The artworks will be exhibited at the art festival "Kulturnatta" in Gothenburg. At the group show, there will be shown a mix of artworks such as paintings, photography, installations, sculptures, performances, and soundart.

ANTINOMIAN by HUGSTEN at Studio Baustelle 2024

This was the third Contemporary Occulture exhibition at Studio Baustelle, Berlin, and in this one there were performances, rituals and sound art throughout the whole exhibition period as well as amazing visual art.

Antinomian is Greek for against the law. Antinomian means rejection of norms and moral law enforced through external compulsion. In Christianity, it took the form of a “license to sin”, in Buddhism as yeshe chölwa (crazy wisdom) and tantrism where practitioners consumed five forbidden elements in rituals. 

In today's society, governments enforce questionable moral choices through cancel culture, such as the anti-discrimination clause in Berlin’s culture funding. The art scene itself maintains norms and forms that should be challenged. 

The occult scene is also ridden with old Aeon conservative power structures pushing morals that should be challenged. Antinomian is an opportunity to challenge structures and norms.


 Antinomian means rejection of norms and moral law enforced through external compulsion, and in this exhibition, the artists challenged norms and moral law in their own ways.

Artists in the exhibition

Carl Abrahamsson - Visual Art - Pathography

Asta D - Performance

Christian Ermel  - Visual Art & Ritual

Andre Harke - Visual Art

HUGSTEN - Performance, Sound Art, Visual Art

Ewa Lidtke - Visual Art

Anna-Livia Löwendahl-Atomic - Visual art

Merlin J. Noack - Visual Art, Performance

Uwe Moellhusen & Wolfgang Nick - Performance

Nachtschwarz & Support - Ritual

RoderichK - Visual Art, Performance

Seht Z - Performance 

Vanessa Sinclair - Visual Art

Hagen von Tulien - Visual Art


SAMTALET - The Conversation

An auditory, visual, and tactile painting to be explored. 

110x110cm,  Dyed raw canvas, recycled canvas, acrylic, ink, charcoal, salt crystals, contact microphone, synthesizer, and speaker. 2023

Hörsägen by HUGSTEN at Studio Baustelle 2023

“Hearsay” can be used to characterize the myths and legends of oral traditions, folklore, as well as gossip and today’s fake news. Its uncertain veracity, transmitted through whispers in confidence, makes it a carrier of uncontrollable ideas, ideal for enhancing, contextualizing, and merging with other stories to maintain its power of virality and give it sustained longevity. 

But as we propagate these narratives we may ask ourselves why, and how they affect us: Do we tell stories or do the stories tell us?

In this exhibition, the works tell, twist, improve, and create hearsays by combining visual, aural, and tactile elements in performances, paintings, sculptures, and sound. 

Drömmen - The Dream

80 x 100cm

Acrylic, ink, and charcoal on dyed raw canvas and recycled fabric

Sagan - The Fairytale

35 x 45cm

Acrylic, ink, and charcoal on dyed raw canvas

Förtroendet - The Trust

25 x 25cm

Acrylic on dyed raw canvas

Urban Spirits - Mixed media drawings on paper

Urban Spirits - Mixed media drawings on paper

Urban Spirits 2022

The drawings derive from the artist's drifting practices in the cityscape of Berlin, taking inspiration from Guy Debord and the idea of total dissolution between art and life. The drawings are a form of collage, a mix of micro and macro perspectives, impressions filtered through the artist's membrane and created in a mixed media technic on paper. Exhibited in Los Angeles at Torrence Art Museum, as part of the B-LA Connect Art festival.


70x75cm, Acrylic and ink on dyed raw canvas


The exhibition showed contemporary occulture with artists from Berlin and Sweden, curated by Annsofie Jonsson at Studio Baustelle in Neukölln. The theme, Chthonic, focuses on what dwells in the underworld, whether it be in ourselves, below the earth, or otherwise hidden and the exhibition “Chthonic” applies both to the subjects of the artist's works as well as the subcultural and occultural currents from which they emerge.

Dreamscape II

70x75cm, Acrylic and ink on dyed raw canvas

Dreamscape III

40x40cm, Acrylic, ink and pigment on wood

Dreamscape IV - Airstreamer

47x62cm, Acrylic on canvas

Vara - To be

50x70cm, Acrylic on canvas

Genom - Through

30x30cm, Acrylic on canvas

Vid - At 

40x50cm, Acrylic on canvas 


This exhibition at Lofta Caffé in Sweden presented a series of acrylic paintings that took their inspiration from events in life that are in constant movement and change, the transitional age of menopause. The work is created with the help of the color ochre as a unifying aspect. Ochre is a color commonly associated with the earth element and fits the theme of the paintings, cyclical change, movement, and renewal.

Inom - Within

40x50cm, Acrylic on canvas

Innan - Before 

50x70cm, Acrylic on canvas


This body of work also consists of a series of drawings called Initial because they are the results of the first exercises of the day, contact with the color and the material, a kind of creative exercise to start painting, they are initials, the first forms. 

Acrylic and charcoal on paper



An exhibition at Studio Baustelle, with invited artists working within the Occult current, curated by Annsofie Jonsson.

HUGSTEN Performances

2024 ANTINOMIAN - opening ritual performance, Studio Baustelle, Berlin, Germany.

2024 Alkemi - objects, sounds, and ritualistic fragments. Aktionsraum III, unstrained MOVEMENT, Kunstraum Reuter, Berlin, Germany.

2023 Proxemics - performance & sculpture.  Ceramics, AI-generated non-lingual speech, sounds. Hörsägen by HUGSTEN, Studio Baustelle, Berlin, Germany.

2023 Ashes to Ashes - Hörsägen by HUGSTEN, Studio Baustelle, Berlin, Germany.

2023  Ashes to Ashes, dust to dust - Untergrün, Berlin, Germany.


Alkemi - leavings after the performance at Kunstraum Reuter, 2024.

ANTINOMIAN Ritual performance leavings, 2024

ANTINOMIAN - Leavings after the performance at Antinomian exhibition, Studio Baustelle , 2024

Solo Exhibitions / Events

2022 - Urban Spirits - The Mantel Gallery, Long Beach, CA, USA

2021 Annsofie Jonsson - Summer Exhibition - Lofta Caffé , Västervik, Sweden.

2019 LUST - Studio Baustelle, Berlin, Gemany.

2017 AW in the Studio. Malmö, Sweden.

2017 Swedish Fall, Skillingtryck - Design Festa Gallery, Tokyo, Japan.

2014 Hypnagogia - Nekropolis, Copenhagen, Denmark.

2013 Flash vernissage - Skapa, Lund, Sweden.

Group Exhibitions

2024 - ANTINOMIAN - Studio Baustelle, Berlin

2023 - Travelnotations - Studio Baustelle, Berlin

2023 HÖRSÄGEN by HUGSTEN - Studio Baustelle, Berlin, Germany.

2023 PLAY -  48 Stunden Neukölln Festival - Studio Baustelle, Berlin Germany

2023 Under construction - El Puente, Vilaflor, Tenerfie, Canary Island.

2022 Art Auction - Studio Baustelle, Berlin Germany.

2022 On Water - Berlin Edition - Studio Baustelle, Berlin Germany

2022 Garden Baustelle - 48 Stunden Neukölln Festival - Studio Baustelle, Berlin Germany

2022 Urban Spirits - B-LA Connect, Torrence Art Museum Los Angeles, US.

2022 Chthonic - Whatever is down there - Studio Baustelle, Berlin Germany

2022 On Water - El Puente, Vilaflor, Tenerife, Canary Island.

2021 AIR - 48 Stunden Neukölln Festival - Studio Baustelle, Berlin, Germany.

2021 Urban Spirits - Bürgerschule Hannover, Germany

2020  CURRENT - Contemporary Occulture - Studio Baustelle, Berlin, Germany.

2020 SPEAK - Spring Salon -Kulturkossan, Järvsö, Sweden.

2019 Art Auction. Studio Baustelle, Berlin, Germany.

2019 Murky Landscapes - 48 Stunden Neukölln Festival -Studio Baustelle, Berlin, Germany.

2019 B-LA Connect Festival. Berlin, Germany.

2019 Pop-up Art Show. Studio Baustelle, Berlin, Germany.

2018 Silent Art Auction. Studio Baustelle, Berlin, Germany.

2010 ArtHouse Exhibition. Åkarp, Sweden.

2009 Art Expo. Malmö University, Sweden.


2022 - The Trapartisan Review, issue no 1—Trapart publ. Carl Abrahamsson, Sweden.

2011 - Länge leve skolan - En text om utbildning, estetisk och skolutveckling.  AnnsofieJonsson et al. & Malmö Högskola, Sweden.


2007-2013 Master's degree, Education - Culture, Media and Aesthetics, Malmö University, Sweden.

2000-2001 Digital communication and Media/Multimedia, Svalöv, Sweden.

1998-1999 Fine Arts - Ceramics education, Nyckelviksskolan, Lidingö, Sweden.

1997-1998 Fine Arts - General, KV Art School, Gothenburg, Sweden.

1996-1997 Fine Arts -General, Folk University Gothenburg

1993 Fine Arts - General ABF´s Art school, Gothenburg, Sweden.

1989-1991 Art History, Criticism and Conservation, Gothenburg University

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